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  题名 杂志/会议 作者 时间 索引
        C&C Information Sharing Scheme in Local Network Based on LLMNR Protocol and Evidential Theory Journal of Electronics and Information Technology 郭晓军,程光,胡一非,戴冕 2017-03  EI SCI 
        Progress in command and control server finding schemes of Botnet TrustCom 2016 : The 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 郭晓军,程光,胡一非,戴冕 2016-08  EI 
        A Novel Search Engine-Based Method for Discovering Command and Control Server ICA3PP 2015 郭晓军,程光,潘吴斌,张庭秀,梁一鑫 2015-11  EI 
        基于扩频Manchester码的可靠自同步网络隐蔽时间通信模型 东南大学学报 郭晓军,程光,周爱平,潘吴斌,朱琛刚 2015-01  EI 
        主动网络流水印技术研究进展 通信学报 郭晓军,程光 2014-07  EI 
        Make Your Webpage Carry Abundant Secret Informatin Unawarely 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications 郭晓军,程光 2013-11